Saturday, July 06, 2013

And the winners are ...

Happy Saturday all! And now to announce the winners of The Wiccan Life Give-Away.  Are you ready?

The winner of the Lughnasadh/Lammas candle is Jan ...

The winner of the book, "Green Witchcraft" is Salem Witch Child ...

and "The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures" book goes to Linda!

Congrats to all and I would like to thank everyone who participated! If the winners would please e-mail me your addresses at  I will be happy to mail your gifts out on Monday. As always, you must respond within the next two days in order to claim your gift otherwise another winner will be picked in your place.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Give-Away reminder

Just a quick reminder to my friends and followers who have entered my Wiccan Life Give-Away to check in tomorrow morning for the announcement of the three winners!!

The give-away gifts are:

Handmade Lughnasadh/Lammas Holiday candle by Willow Chestnut of "Mystic Grove Candles & Supplies"

The book, "Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft" written by Ann Moura

The book, "The Elemental Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures" written by John & Caitlin Matthews

Good luck to everyone and see you all tomorrow!