Sunday, July 31, 2022

Weekend eats 'n' treats

Blessed Sunday, friends! Well, it has been yet another hot and humid week here. I have decided to make the best of it and enjoy something that I have not had in a very long time - waffles and ice cream! ... 🍦

Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I briefly ventured out into the nasty humidity and did a little local shopping at our usual haunts.

From The Mint Leaf ...

Seasoned pretzel bites.

Genuine Pressed Flowers necklace.

Demeter "Amethyst Petals" fragrance cologne. SMELLS WONDFERFUL!!

One of my absolute favorite places to shop is "The Stinkleberry Soap Company" - the proprietor never ceases to amaze me with her talent and creativeness! ...

These are her newest creations - Brambleberry Macaron soaps! ...

And, this Chocolate Berry Swirl ice cream cone! ... LOVE THIS!!

Some of her other recent creations ...

Of course, we just had to check out Yankee Candle Store's latest Autumn items ...

I found this pretty eye shadow pallet at the Ulta Store ...

And last, but not least, at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore I found the newest addition of "The Sabbats Almanac" which begins with Samhain (the witches New Year) ...

And finally, a  photo taken on Thursday evening of a pretty rainbow after one of our rain storms ...

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Food for Thought Friday


Aunt Jet Owens:
" ... And this is what comes from dabbling; I mean you can't practice witchcraft while you look down your nose at it."

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Weekend happenings ...

Greetings, friends! Yesterday, my sister and I took a trip to Shady Maple where we love to frequent the huge gift shop. They always seem to have the most unique items ...

Black cat earrings.

Real maple leaf encased in sterling silver with an amethyst gemstone necklace.

Real maple leaf encased in 24K gold with onyx necklace.

Cat face mood ring.

Mermaid earrings.

And for the cat's room ...

While there, we picked up a couple of food items at the Shady Maple Bakery ...
Pumpkin Whoopee pies.

As for the remainder of the weekend, I will do some cleaning and chill with my beloved fur babies!
Sir Leo playing hide and seek.

Miss Ginger cuddling on my lap.

Did someone say, "TREATS"??

And, last but not least, a special shout out to my friend Kyle - HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY, dude!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Food for Thought Friday - An Earth Prayer

My brother the star,
My Mother the Earth,
My sister the Moon -
To my life give beauty,
To my body give strength,
To my work give goodness,
To my house give peace
To my spirit give truth
To my elders give wisdom –
We must pray for strength
We must pray to come together,
Pray to the weeping Earth,
Pray to the trembling waters
and to the wandering rain
We must pray to the whispering Moon,
Pray to the tip-toeing stars
and to the hollering Sun
~ Nancy Wood

(Picture: One of the pics I had taken last year while in Hamilton, Bermuda)

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Super Buck Full Moon


Although it was cloudy, I tried to snap a few pics of the Super Buck Full Moon after I got home from work tonight...

I did not use a flash for this one, but you can see the light from the moon on our neighbors house.


Sunday, July 10, 2022

Happy Sunday!

Greetings all. It has been another hot, humid weekend, but the good news is that we were able to get the AC back on Friday morning! YAY!!! Hopefully, it will get us through the rest of the summer!

I just wanted to share a new limited item that I picked up Stinkleberry Soap Company today. It is a large Gumdrop Bath Bomb with a small clear cube inside of it which changes pretty colors. The hot water dissolves and activates the cube ...








Ah yes, and just one more thing, Lady Tabitha says, "Have a nice week!" ...