Sunday, September 22, 2024

Mabon Wedding Anniversary!

Happy Sunday everyone and Blessed Mabon! Today is not only the Autumn Equinox, but it is also my wedding anniversary. We are just enjoying the weekend weather and I cooked a special anniversary dinner for us today ...

Chicken breast with veggie pasta using rosemary olive oil instead of butter.

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon with my sister at the annual Fall Fest in West Reading. It was crowed and a bit too hot and humid out so I just picked up a couple of cool items while we were there. 
"The Moon" tarot card necklace - my Pisces sign Major Arcana card.


Have a wonderful rest of the weekend all!

Friday, September 20, 2024

A Trip to Green Dragon

Happy Friday! Today, I had another rare day off from work so my husband and I decided to go to a place called, "Green Dragon" - an awesome flea market where you can find homemade food, cool  handmade items, and more! I came home with these little treasures!

My husband bought this wine vinegar for himself and I bought the Rosemary olive oil to use on my cooked pasta instead of butter!  YUMMY!!

And, these homemade raw creamed honey spreads ...

Flavored yogurt pretzels - Blueberry, Pumpkin Spice, and Strawberry.

A cheap pumpkin Halloween garland to adorn my entranceways ...

And, of course, I have my battery operated wax candles I picked up last weekend at "Dutch Apple" in the kitchen ...  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It took me too long to understand that no matter how much I explain my side, some people will twist it to fit their narrative. I used to pour my heart out, desperately hoping they’d see the truth, but I’ve learned the hard way—if someone truly wanted to understand, they wouldn’t make me beg for it.
If you’ve already decided I’m the villain in your story, fine. I’m not going to keep bending over backwards trying to prove I’m good enough, worthy enough, or innocent enough. The truth is, the more I explain, the more power I give to someone who doesn’t want to hear it.
Let them believe what they want.
Let them say it was all my fault.
Let them stay stuck in their version of events.
I won’t defend myself anymore. Because I’ve realized something crucial—explaining myself over and over doesn’t bring peace. It only exhausts me. It only reinforces their narrative, because if they really cared to understand, they would’ve listened the first time.
I’m reclaiming my energy. I’m walking away from the endless loop of justification and debate. I deserve connections where I don’t have to fight for my truth to be seen.
If my silence makes you uncomfortable, then be uncomfortable.
If my choice not to explain feels like defeat to you, that’s on you.
I’m no longer concerned with trying to win a battle I never agreed to fight.
I’m done begging to be understood.
I’m done begging for kindness, respect, and empathy that should’ve been given freely.
I’m done putting myself on trial in a court that was never fair to begin with.
The only explanation I owe is to myself: that I choose peace over their noise.
I choose to move on without the weight of constantly trying to be heard by people who are committed to misunderstanding me.
Let them think what they want.
I will not explain myself again.
Because, honestly, I don’t need to.
By Amanda Weston
Artist Charkelley

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Weekend Happenings

Blessed Saturday everyone! As I mentioned in my previous post, my husband and I went to see "Jersey Boys" at The Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre. It was the matinee so the buffet was at 11:30AM and the show was at 1PM. And what a FABULOUS SHOW IT WAS!!! We were not allowed to take pictures during the performance so all I could take were these pics ...

They had a cool little gift shop as well and when my hubby got up to go into the lobby before the show began, he came back with another little surprise gift for me - a lovely mermaid necklace and earring set. I also bought these little souvenirs ...

A two Autumn/Halloween battery operated wax candles.
And a shot glass.

Afterwards, we decided to have a wonderful dinner at Red Lobster - I treated!

A delicious specialty drink called, "Lobster Punch" topped with berries!.

Wearing my new mermaid necklace and earring set ...

Have a great rest of the weekend all!!

Friday, September 13, 2024

This and That


OMG, time has gotten away from me these past couple of weeks! I have been so busy and things have been crazy here! Tomorrow my husband and I have tickets to see the show "Jersey Boys" at the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre in Lancaster, PA. It is an early wedding anniversary present from him - our actual anniversary is not until the 22nd of this month ...

So, for today I just threw together this quick hodge podge of a post; however, I will be publishing another post sometime this weekend ...

The Halloween costume I wanted to wear this year, but I will not pay $206 plus for it. lol

A cute little Halloween dress I picked up from TEMU last week ...

The costume I am going to wear ...

I finally went through my shoe collection and donated all of my high heel dress shoes to our local Goodwill Store.

These are the only shoes I kept - low heels and sneakers only!...
Last night, my husband surprised me with this lovely Fall bouquet after I got home from work! πŸ‚πŸ
My apologies to everyone, I will be catching up on all of your posts after I get home from work tonight. .

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Sunday rewind


Happy Sunday, friends! I thought it might be fun to post a couple of good tunes which are cover songs of some original hits. I hope you enjoy!

"Draggin' the Line" - R.E.M.

"Time of the Season" - Scott Weiland

"Betcha By Golly Wow" - Prince

"God Only Knows" - Rivers Cuomo

"You Make Me Feel Brand New" - Simply Red

"Revolution" - The Stone Temple Pilots
