Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cleaning House: Cleansing & Blessing Your Home

Anyone who has ever had a rather “unsettling” spiritual encounter of some kind in their home can easily attest to how very important it is to cleanse and bless your house. On occasion, I have been asked by people to perform such a ritual. These are people who have had angry or unhappy spirits literally try to choke them while they slept or have attempted to chase them out of their home in some other terrifying manner. 

In most cases; however, these are merely the spirits of those who have not yet crossed over for whatever their reason.  Although this is usually due to some sort of unfinished business here on Earth, the fact remains that evil entities actually do exist. Make no mistake, these types of phenomena really do happen and they are horrifyingly real to those who have experienced them!

Cleansing and blessing your home is essential to the clearing out of any and all negative energies from any previous residents.  My husband & I live in what was once his aunt & uncles’ house. Thankfully, they are family and have never expressed any unhappiness about the fact that we now live there. In the past, we have had a few people tell us that they have actually seen their apparitions standing in our hallway – one man fitting the description of my husbands’ uncle and a woman whom we believe to be their daughter who had passed away the year before.  Why the hallway? Well, there is a mirror in our guest bedroom which faces an open door to the hallway. This tends to create “open” doors to the spiritual realm, making it much more likely you will experience some kind of spiritual activity.

The following is a simple Cleansing & Blessing Ritual which I have used and have had much success with.

Items needed:
Salt, water, a stick or cone of sage incense, athame or wand, a white candle and a besom (broom)

One room at a time while burning the incense and candle, sprinkle the salt and water in the corners of each and every room in the house - repeating the following incantation: 

“In the name of the Lord and Lady, 
  I now do cleanse and bless this house –
  Banishing it from all negative energies.
  As it is willed, so mote it be!”

Then, with your athame or wand, make the sign of the banishing pentagram. Place or hang the besom in or near the area where there is the most spiritual activity, if any.


  1. this makes such a difference! Sean does this to our house occasionally. If we have had a really bad illness or any big negative emotions, this can help too. Not only to clear out the spirits but any bad energy. We also ring a bell in the corners. Great thing to incorporate in to season (spring/fall) cleaning!

  2. I am going to do this today. I feel very negative energy when I am alone in the house...especially in the stairwell leading to the basement of the house. Thanks for your guidance.

  3. We live in the very rural desert and I would like to know where I can obtain the things needed to "cleanse" our home?? Our 16 year old daughter has been sick with numerous illnesses that no doctor can pinpoint after numerous attempts, they are stumped! If I could get any kind of help from a wiccan I would very much welcome the help. My dad built this house for my mom but passed on before it was completed, I believe there is some negative mojo in this house and it is negatively affecting our daughter! We need help! Can you lead us in the right direction? Louise Coker you!!

  4. im going to do this today, no negativity but i just moved in thanks for posting this!

  5. Acabo de hacer este ritual con mi familia. Mi casa se ve más brillante y se siente en paz. Lo recomiendo.

    I just performed this ritual with my family. My house seems more bright and you can feel the peace right away.
    I truly recommend it.
    Thank you!

  6. I cant find a broom! I want it to br esthetically pleasing if. I have to leave it up. my e mail is leslie5053

  7. Im looking for a way to take negative energy from my home, we all have a lot of unusual stress! Were used to spirits, my not even 2 year old talks and interacts with them frequently..but hear recently we have one she is terified of, I saw it last nite 2 wice..need some help cleansing my home, please?

    1. Have you tried this ritual at all yet? It has always worked well for me in the past.
