Monday, October 11, 2010

On a Personal Note: Through the Years

Throughout the years, we have had numerous solitary practitioners join us in our circles for many sabbat and esbat rituals.. The following is a list of the dedicated group of individuals who have become an important part of our Solitary Wiccan group we call the Old Path Enlightener’s Circle, and, of whom we have been fortunate enough to still call our very good friends! To their credit, they have shown a high level of dedication to their studies and have been practicing Wicca along side of me for 12 years now. I thank them all for their hard work and commitment – and for their trust in allowing me to be their teacher!

Judy Stricker (Rhiannon) – Aside from studying and practicing Wicca for many years, Judy, along with her husband Matt, was also a member of The Old Path’s Enlightener’s Network where she served on our Technical Staff. In March of 2010, she received a Wicca Certificate of Achievement in acknowledgement for her years of successful participation in the study of Wicca and Witchcraft.

Matthew Stricker (Draco)  -  Matt has been studying and practicing Wicca with Judy & I since 1998. He also received a Wicca Certificate of Achievement for his years of dedicated studies in the craft.

Richard Godfrey – Richard is Matt and Judy’s son who was introduced into Wicca when he was about 4 years old. On Imbolg 2002, he had his Wiccaning Ceremony and in February of 2009, he officially dedicated himself to the craft.

Naomi Proud (Waterfae) - Even though she was never actually one of my students, Naomi has brought a lot to our Solitary Wiccan group, especially being a Faery Wicca practitioner for so many years. She served as Newsletter Editor and a vendor for our Old Paths Enlightener’s Network organization. She has since moved on to bigger & better things as she is currently the Vice-President for the Reading Witches & Pagans Group.

With Waterfae at Barbon's Tavern performing tarot readings on Samhain eve - 2004

Rev. Peter Witycyak – Rev. Peter was a Kabbalan clergy member for the Universal Life Church and long time member of our solitary group. He was also the Web Master for our O.P.E.N. organization.  In 2006, we lost Rev. Peter due to natural causes. We will always remember him for his dedication to his craft and his contagious sense of humor!

Robin Witycyak-Raber (Aurora Skye)Another long time member of our group, Robin has also shown much dedication and commitment to the practice of Wicca. In April 2010, she received her Wicca Certificate of Acheivement for her years of hard work and dedication.

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful that you have such a great group to commune with!
