Sunday, October 10, 2010

Samhain Night - a poem by Wren Walker

Beneath the square of Arthur's Wain,
The Faery Mounds so long have lain -
Like sleeping giants on the land
Like dreams we seek to understand

The darkest night has come around,
The bay of hounds the only sound -
As star-white steeds race through the wind
And branches rattle and dry leaves spin

Flashing silver pierces the Moon,
Swords held high against the gloom -
Wheels of fire roll on by
As shields are raised against the sky

Gwynn ap Nudd in white and red,
Heads the hunt of the ancient dead -
Into the realm of darkened light
A mighty band charges in swift flight

This night holds both beginning and end,
The Wheel has come full circle again -
The past and future come into our sight
All becomes one on this magickal night!

Between the heaven and the Earth,
The way now opens to bring forth -
The hosts of those who went before
They come riding now through the open door

Dark wild hunters racing the year,
Time stands still as past and future appear -
Encircled between the dark and the light
Together again on this Samhain night!

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