Thursday, November 11, 2010

2011 Sabbats & Esbats

Imbolg - Wednesday, February 2nd
Ostara/Spring Equinox - Sunday, March 20th
Beltane - Sunday, May 1st
Litha/Summer Solstice - Tuesday, June 21st
Lughnasadh - Saturday, July 30th
Mabon/Autumn Equinox - Friday, September 23rd
Samhain - Monday, October 31st
Yule/Winter Solstice - Thursday, December 22nd

Full Moon/Esbats
Wednesday, January 19th
Friday, February 18th
Saturday, March 19th
Monday, April 18th
Tuesday, May 17th
Wednesday, June 15th
Friday, July 15th
Saturday, August 13th
Monday, September 12th
Wednesday, October 12th
Thursday, November 10th
Saturday, December 10th


  1. Thanks for the list! Very useful!!

  2. I really appreciate this ! Thanks

  3. My name is Raquel and i am interested in learning wicca! any advice

  4. Merry Meet, Raquel! I think the most important thing you need to remember is to ALWAYS follow your instincts no matter who you meet along your path. You must be true to yourself in order to be true to your beliefs. There are a lot of really good people and organizations you can associate yourself with ~ you will have to trust your own judgement as to whom you trust and which path is "right" for you. If you put your faith in the Goddess and God, you will never be steered in the wrong direction. I wish you all the best and Blessed Be! )O(

  5. Extremely helpful as a newcomer to Wicca!! Thank you!!
