Friday, November 05, 2010

Solitary Yule Ritual

A bowl of salt
Cup of water
Yule Log (or wreath that holds alteast 3 tall candles)
Yule Cake
Chalice of wine or juice
Rosemary or Frankincense incense
4 corner candles
1 tall Gold God candle
1 tall Silver Goddess candle
Bloodstone or Carnelian gemstones
1 tall white candle (for Maiden)
1 tall red candle (for Mother)
1 tall black candle (for Crone)
Athame and/or Wand
Cauldron or incense burner
Cast circle and call the corners. Light the incense then begin to invoke the Goddess & God.

"I now do call upon the eternal God in the ancient way, as Lord of the Sun. Who, in this season, will be reborn as the Oak King. Send thy spirit forth so that I, your humble child, may feel your light within me. As it is willed, so mote it be!"

INVOCATION OF THE GODDESS: (While lighting the SILVER candle)
"I now do call upon the eternal Goddess in the ancient way, as Young Mother, great womb from whom all life flows. Send thy spirit forth so that I, your humble child, may feel your life within me. As it is willed, so mote it be!"

"Blessed Lady Goddess, mother of the newborn King, I thank you for the bounty of your Earthly body - my home. Blessed be this season of Yule and the newborn God. Blessed be the Lord!"

(Place the holly on the altar in a place of honor)

"Tonight Goddess and God are reunited,
Tonight life and light begin anew,
The Lord and Lady are again one!"

Light the tall WHITE candle while saying:
"Blessed be the Maiden, innocent and fresh!"

Light the tall RED candle while saying:
"Blessed be the Mother, fertile and loving!"

Light the tall BLACK candle while saying:
"Blessed be the Crone, powerful and wise!"

Then light the tall GOLD GOD candle while saying:
"Blessed be the Father, the Lord God and King!"

Take the bowl of salt and pour it into the cup of water. Then take your fingertips and anoint your feet (Maiden), belly (Mother) and head (Crone) for this is the Blessing of the Triple Goddess.

When finished, take the Yule cake and break a piece off to sacrifice to the Goddess. Then hold it upward while saying:

"This bit of life-giving grain of your Earth I give back to you  now in humble thanksgiving. You are in and of this cake, Young Mother. Allow me to use it to fill myself with your boundless presence."

Break off another piece of the Yule cake and eat it. Place the rest of the cake back on the altar to give back to the Earth later. Then take the Chalice of wine or juice and hold it upward while saying:

"Blessed Lady, I thank you for your gift of the newborn King. This water of your Earth I give back to you now in humble thanksgiving. You are in and of this ale, Young Mother. Allow me to use it to fill myself with your boundless presence. Blessed be the Lady!"

Take a drink from the chalice of wine or juice and then place it back on the altar.

"Farewell old year, farewell Holly King."

Then remove the holly from the altar and replace it with the mistletoe, symbol of the Oak King, while saying:

"Blessed be the God, King of the waxing year!
I pray you will guide your children safely through to the season of warmth and light."

Sit for a moment, reflecting upon the Goddess and God and the meaning of the season. When finished close the ritual and open the circle.

"I am a child of deity, I am part of the creative life force which moves the universe, I am part of all that is; Though we are apart, we are ever together - For we are all one in the spirit of our Goddess and our God. 
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again - Blessed  be!"

(Thank the Goddess and God and the elements - remembering to give back to the Earth afterwards.)


  1. this was very lovely.iam new to wicca,thank you very much,for the ritual tip!

  2. What a beautiful alter. Thank you for the ritual, Green Blessings

  3. Thank you for this incredible article! I was borne and raised into witchcraft as a family tradition. It is easy for beginners to jump into basic traditions and practices such as Yule. Personally i've been getting all my wiccan / pagan jewelry and gifts from . They have extremely low prices and an amazing blog / newsletter. Thank you again for this amazing content, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more of your articles!
