Monday, December 20, 2010

There's Sisters and then there are "Sisters"

I am sure you are all familiar with the expression, “Blood is thicker than water”? Well, I can honestly tell you that this is not always necessarily so. My former sister-in-law, Robin, is not only my “sister in the craft”, but she had also been my very dear friend long before we had become related to one another. In fact, we both felt an instant connection from the time we were first introduced to each other all those many years ago.

As close as I am to my natural family, she showed me that it is possible to be just as close to someone who is not related to us through blood.  Over the years, we have laughed together, cried together and shared our inner most thoughts and feelings. It is a bond which cannot be broken by divorce or any other kind of tragedy – it seems as though she and I have been through it all together.

This often serves to remind me of how our Wiccan brothers and sisters can also be as close to us as our own family – even though they may not share in our family lineage. I, myself, have never had any biological sisters per se; however, I have plenty of “sisters” in my life in which to call my own. They are all a part of my family and I can’t imagine my existence without them. Like Robin, they are indeed a precious and irreplaceable gift from the Goddess!

The following poem was written for my sister Robin, who has chosen the beautiful craft name Aurora Skye and it suits her well!


She shines like the sun
With blue eyes so bright
And her blonde hair glows
In the pale moonlight

So warm and so sweet
Her heart filled with light
Like the goddess of dawn
Love beams at her sight

She entered my life
With a smile that gleams
She’s my confident, my friend
We share our hopes and  our dreams

Like the moon and the stars
We are sisters of fate
With strong family ties
And a loyalty so great

We’re as close as can be
We've a bond she and I
She’s loving and kind -
She's Aurora Skye


  1. How wonderful it is that you share such a bond! And what a beautiful poem . . . I'm sure she really loves it!

    Happy Holidays!

    Blessed Be,

  2. Merry Meet Sisters and Brothers! )O(
