Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Earth Prayer

O Great Spirit of the South,
Radiance of the rising Sun,
Spirit of new beginnings,
O Grandfather Fire,
Great fire of the Sun
Power of life-energy, vital spark
Power to see far and to imagine with boldness
Power to purify our senses,
Our hearts and our minds
We pray for the good of this planet Earth
And all living beings on it

O Great Spirit of the West,
Spirit of the Great Waters,
Of rain, rivers, lakes and springs,
O Grandmother Ocean,
Deep matrix, womb of all life
Power to dissolve boundries,
To release holdings,
Power to taste and to feel,
To cleanse and to heal,
Great blissful waves of peace
We pray for the good of this planet Earth
And all living beings on it

O Great Spirit of the East,
Invisible Spirit of the Air,
And of the fresh, cool winds,
O vast and boundless Grandfather Sky,
Your living breath animates all life
Yours is the power of clarity and strength,
Power to hear the inner sounds,
To sweep out the old patterns,
And to bring change and challenge,
The ecstasy of movement and the dance
We pray for the good of this planet Earth
And all living beings on it

O Great Spirit of the North,
Protector of the fruitful land,
And of all green and growing things,
The noble trees and grasses,
Grandmother Earth, Soul of Nature,
Great power of the receptive,
Of nurturance and endurance,
Power to grow and bring forth
Flowers of the field, fruits of the garden
We pray for the good of this planet Earth
And all living beings on it

- Ralph Metzner

(Taken from the book, "Earth Prayers from Around the World" edited by Elizabeth Roberts & Elias Amidon)