Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Little Reiki Story ...

Back in December of 2001, I received my certification as a Reiki I practitioner. I took a 2-day, 8-hour course taught by Frances M. Ferlazzo-Moise, Certified Reiki Master, which was held in her home.

Before the start of the first day of class, we were all told to remove our watches and any other electrical object we may have on our person. For some reason, I was running very late that morning and I had stuck my watch inside of my pants pocket and therefore had been wearing it the entire day.

Throughout the course of our busy day, we had received the usual reiki training – meditations, attunements and, of course, we performed the “laying on of hands” along with our fellow classmates.

On the way home that night, I glanced at my watch to check the time (it was then I remembered that I had placed my watch in my pants pocket in the first place). When I looked at my watch, it read, “2:16.” I thought to myself, “What? I know that isn’t right!” So I asked my brother-in-law, who was driving the car at the time and who also took the reiki course along with me, what time he had on his watch. He replied, “6:30.” I then suddenly realized what had happened. During our second attunement, my watch had actually stopped – drained of all its’ juice!

What did I learn from this little experience? I learned NEVER to underestimate the power of reiki energy! I also remember Fran telling me the next day about how she, herself, blew out a couple of small appliances in her home when she first began practicing reiki. It takes a lot of time and experience to learn “how” to control your personal energy, but once mastered, it is such an awesome ability. To be able to help others, including animals, is a really great feeling! By the way, animals respond very well to reiki energy. As with people, it calms and relaxes them – my cats simply love it!


  1. Can't wait to get mine. I go for my final session next month then on to Reiki II in March!!

  2. I just received my Reiki Level I certification this past Saturday! It was a great experience. I've been using it on myself and my Cockatoo 'Bijou'. I'm loving it!

    Blessed Be,
