Thursday, January 27, 2011

OK, we've had enough snow .../"Hazy Shade of Winter"

So far this winter for atleast twice a week every week, since the beginning of last December, we have had either snowy and/or icy weather - which is characteristically unusual even for Reading, PA at this time of the year. Now, please don’t get me wrong, I love to watch the snowflakes falling down from my living room window when I am sitting at home – it really is the most beautiful scene! I actually don’t even mind shoveling all that much. However, driving in it to work and back is an entirely different story.

Sometimes I so wish that I could go back to my days as a kid when my little brother and I used to enjoy playing in the snow together. Nothing too crazy, just the usual stuff like sledding down the snow-covered hills in our back yard and an occasional snowball fight or two. We even helped to clean off my parents’ cars because we would always use the snow off of them first to make snowballs (my parents had to have loved that!).

Ah yes, the good old days, right? You know, the time before we all had to actually grow up and become as responsible as our parents? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to relive those moments again just once in a while? Oh well, I can dream, can’t I? …  J

1 comment:

  1. You're not kidding, sister! I am sooo tired of snow already this year! By the way, I LOVE that song!!
