Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Friends, you just gotta love 'em

Well, I must say that I have had a very interesting birthday today. I woke up this morning to 26  "Happy Birthday"e-mails and  Facebook messages from my awesome family and friends. (I just turned 47 years old - EEKK! How did that happen?) 

Then, my good friend and fellow co-worker, Kiki Love (cool name, right?), was kind enough to treat me to lunch for my birthday along with her daughter who also works with me. She took me to a place close to where we work called, "The Old Country Buffet." We were sitting down at our table enjoying our food when all of the sudden an announcement came over the intercom which said, "Attention everyone! We at The Old Country Buffet would like to wish a very speical Happy Birthday today to Kim!"

Needless to say, after I had turned about five different shades of red, I began to laugh hysterically!  Because as embarassing as it may have been, I thought about how lucky I was to have such a thoughtful friend who would do something so sweet. That was, by far, the most interestingly fun part of my day!

Tomorrow, my sister Robin is also taking me out for a birthday lunch. It is really wonderful to know that I am surrounded by so many people who love and care about me so much and, honestly, Goddess knows what I would ever do without them. I am very thankful each and every day that I have such wonderful friends and family in my life.

Thank you so much to all of my friends and family for once again making my birthday special - I love you bunches!!!

My Kiki-girl and Brett


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! Sounds like a blast at lunch. Birthdays should be spent with all those good people in your life. I raise a fork of chocolate cake to you!!! Many blessings for so many good things!! 47??!! a mere young'un.

  2. So glad that you had a good day! Wish I were there to help you celebrate. We will have to have a delayed celebration when we come up! Love you, girl!

  3. Thanks, Willow! I wish you were here with us too, but I will turn 47 years old again just for when you guys get here - lol!

    Love & Blessings always,

  4. A brilliant birthday by the sound of it.
    enjoy your 47th year!
    Love Leanne
