Monday, February 07, 2011

Giving Back A Little Love

While driving to work this morning, my husband was listening to a radio station that was talking about an organization called, "Animals In Distress." This is a no-kill animal shelter located in Coopersburg, PA. They are having a membership drive. They are also asking people to donate food and other supplies to homeless cats and dogs which they have rescued.

I thought to myself, "Why not give a little back to these beautiful and deserving animals? After all, they give us so much unconditional love and ask nothing in return but love." So, I decided to donate a few dollars to help them out. Then my husband said to me,"If you really want to do something nice for them, why don't you make little catnip toys for the cats?" I think it is a great idea and so I am also going to crochet and knit a few little catnip mouse toys!

During the year, I donate small amounts here and there -  sometimes to The Animal Rescue League or The ASPCA, so why not give to the local animal shelters as well? Almost all of our cats and rabbits have been rescue animals, but I can't help but to think about all the animals who aren't so fortunate. I know that I can't save every animal in the world, but every little bit helps. Besides, our cats love them!

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