Monday, February 14, 2011

A Lovely Little Surprise

This morning I was sitting at work covering the company switchboard. As I watched the numerous flower deliveries walk through the front door, I thought about how beautiful all the arrangements were. Some had musical balloons attached to them and some were accompanied by a huge teddy bear, you know, just business as usual on Valentine’s Day. Suddenly, a woman walked in with a lovely bouquet which consisted of huge red roses and pretty little pink carnations with a tiny card attached that said, “I love you – Brett.”

Needless to say, I was not only surprised, but elated! It was good to know that after almost 20 years together, my husband and I still felt the same way about one another. Later on, after I had arrived home, he handed me a beautiful, romantic card. As I read the words, I realized that we didn’t still feel the same way about each other – we are actually happier because our relationship has grown so much over the years as have we. Time has given us a new found love and respect for one another. A deeper understanding of who “we” are and why we have stayed together all these many years despite all of life’s many up’s and down’s.

 It hasn’t always been easy, but having one another to lean on helped get us through many a rough patch. All  things considered, I can’t imagine my life without him and, looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Good job, Brett!! These men of ours. Gotta love 'em.
