Saturday, March 05, 2011

Faery Boats

You can get to know the faeries and gnomes who live in the trees and shrubs on your property by enticing them with Faery Boat lights and tiny bells.

What you will need ~
  tea light cups (or if you really want to get creative, walnut halves)
small birthday candles
 wide bowl of water
 tiny bell

Light one the of the birthday candles and melt a little bit of wax into the walnut or tea light tin then stick a candle in each until the wax dries. Find a nice and quiet place to sit and enjoy the lights.  Ring the bell to invoke the faeries and gnomes while chanting three times:

“Come, little ones! Join in my play
  And we’ll be friends both night and day,
  Strange realms we’ll seek in fantasy
  Explore the Earth and sky and sea,
  Show me the powers of the Elements,
  Knowledge old ingredients
  Of spells and potions, magick true
  And I shall be strong friends with you!”

We usually add this activity to our Midsummer/Litha ritual every year.  They are easy to make,  fun and kids always seem to love them. too!

1 comment:

  1. This is very creative! I love this! I'll have to try this, though I do not have any fearies, because I decided I don't want to mess with them until I know enough about them,(:
    Thank you! And blessed be!
