Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ahh, Spring At Last!

Unlike the past few weeks, today was a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l  day here! The  birds were  singing, the sun was shining, a lovely comfortable Spring breeze was blowing, the sky was a gorgeous shade of blue ...

the Cherry Blossoms were in bloom ...

along with our elegant official State tree of PA, the Dogwood. (we have a couple of these pretty trees outside of our building at work)

Has Spring finally arrived at last? It certainly looks that way from this view! Happy Spring to everyone ... (finally)!  ;)

My kitty Haley enjoying the view from our back window!

1 comment:

  1. Happy for you to experience a lovely spring day! Dogwoods are gorgeous...state tree of Virginia too, where I am from. Here, today it snowed and sleeted, and the wind doth blow! Cold. Maybe this weekend will be nice. Your kitty is very cute!
