Friday, April 29, 2011

Blessed Beltane!

Each year at Beltane, I always try to incorporate a little bit of the old customs into our ritual - such as using two balefires or cauldrons (if performed indoors).

In ancient times, the Celts built two huge bonfires in which to walk their cattle and other livestock in between in order to rid them of any fleas or other parasites. In other words, to "purify" them.  We make our own balefires and, while walking in between them, we say a little Beltane blessing. We also "jump the cauldron" while making a special Beltane wish for the rest of the year.

The Maypole has long been a phallic symbol and one of the many ways in which we honor the God. Sometimes, although not this year, I get the chance to dance around a large, homemade maypole at Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's gathering. It is interesting to see how we usually manage to get the ribbons a bit tangled up in the process, but it is all in good fun.

(Taken at one of our O.P.E.N. Beltane celebrations in Reading, PA)

It is so important to remember that no matter how we choose to celebrate this sacred sabbat, the joy is in the honoring. Whether you are solitary or in the company of good friends, as always, "Have fun and enjoy!"


  1. I so want to start this ritual with my kiddos. Perhaps next year we will be moved and can put up our Maypole! Hope you have a very Blessed Beltane, my sister, Love you muchly!!

  2. Have a great Beltane - it doesn't matter how big or small of a celebration you have because you will enjoy it no matter what. Although I know what you mean, your kiddos will definately LOVE the maypole.

    Miss you lots!


  3. I'm new & solitary, but I have always loved May poles. I plan to have one next Beltane. I'm sure my little one will love it.
