Friday, April 15, 2011

Congradulations, Willow!

I would like to take the time to congradulate my long-time, dear friend and student, Willow! Willow is of course her chosen magickal name and her real name is April. Willow is also known as "The Buddhist Mama" and currently has two blogs - one by that very name and the other called, "Becoming Six."

Willow and I actually began studying and practicing together many years ago, but after she married, she and her husband eventually moved out-of-state and last year she came to me and asked me to become her teacher in Wicca as she wished to further her Wicca studies.

I am proud to say that after recently taking her "Wicca I: The Basics of Wicca" test she scored an awesome 91%!  This was no easy task as she is also the busy mom to 4 great kids while also studying to be a Yoga teacher and completing her Reiki I and II certifications. Making the time to study was not always a ready option.

Even better, her Wicca Certificate was issued on her birthday as well! Happy Birthday and way to go, Willow!!!!


  1. Thank you so much, my beautiful teacher! Couldn't have done any of it without your love and support! Love you to the moon!!

  2. I know how hard you worked for your Certificate and I am so very proud of you!!!

    Love and Blessings always,


  3. Great story, congrats to Willow! What a force of energy!1
