Tuesday, May 03, 2011

My Main Man, the Green Man

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the Green Man. Of all the god deities, He has always held the most fascination for me and a special place in my heart.

So naturally, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take these beautiful pieces home from our local Pagan supplies shoppe, "Celtic Myth & Moonlight" where they are currently gracing our living room.

Heart-shaped "The Green Lady/Earth Mother" decorative box

"The Green Man" decorative gift box

Little Green Man votive candle holder


  1. I am with you on The Green Man. He holds a very special place in my hear as well. I LOVE that first one.

  2. such a calming face. my daughter is very much in2 the green man. .im loving him 2.
