Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reiki II Classes Postponed

Frances M. Moise, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui Shiki Rhyoho & Shamballa Multidimensional Healing

This was supposed to be the weekend for my classes in completing my Reiki II Certification, but due to scheduling conflicts for some of us, and just "life interventions" in general, we needed to re-schedule our classes for sometime in June.

As for me, it would definately be a much better time as: 1) we were told that our kitty Midnight must have two of his teeth pulled due to them being really bad and if we don't it will more than likely cause him more medical issues (not to mention yet more unreasonable vet bills!) and 2) my mother-in-law just had knee surgery on Monday and she needs me to be around to help her clean and such since she obviously will not be able to get around very well for a few weeks or so.

Anyway, they say everything happens for a reason, and I truly believe, for whatever reason, that they do.


  1. Bliss Prevails: ‎:( Hope Midnight and your MIL feel better soon!!

  2. Thank you, April! I really do appreciate your concern. I am sure that they will both be okay after they get "back into their routine" - lol!!!

    Love always,

