Monday, May 23, 2011

A Trip to the Vet

Last time we had Mr. Midnight (a.k.a "Scooter") to our vet was a couple of weeks ago and we were told during his check-up that he has atleast two very badly rotting teeth. No doubt from his days outdoors rummaging through trash cans and such before we found him, gave him a home, and fell in love with the little guy.

Like it or not, we must take him back to the vet tomorrow night to have his teeth pulled in surgery on Wednesday. This is a very expensive procedure as it will cost us over $600.00 to have done, but if we don't, we run a huge risk of him contaminating his system from the poisonous toxins from his bad teeth. Cats lack certain liver enzymes which makes them unable to decontaminate certain chemicals - damaging their liver or worse. It is because of this that poisoned cats are less likely to recover than dogs. Sometimes, I think it must be the price they pay for the rest of their perfectly acute senses.

I will miss him purring me to sleep for a night or two, depending upon whether the vet feels we can take him home Wednesday and I know that he will be very upset with us for taking him, but I think we are doing the right thing for him in the end. Here's hoping everything goes smooth!


  1. Oh I am so sorry!! I will be sending him (and you!) lots of good thoughts! Please let us know how he does.

  2. Thank you so much, sweetie! Will let you know!

  3. Bless his little heart. But you are right, it must be done. Hope the Kitty Tooth Fairy will be generous! (but, oh those vet bills are killers sometimes!)

  4. Indeed!! LOL!

    Thank you, Robin!

  5. My blessings to Midnight on a speedy recovery and peaceful dreams to you while he is away...I'm sure it won't be long.

  6. Thank you, Belinda! I appreciate your kind words!!!

  7. ouch 600 bucks! - But I bet he is worth it.
    Will be watching your blog to see him home again.
    Love Leanne

  8. Leanne - Yes, he is definately worth it!!! ;)
