Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sister!

Today was my sister Robin's (aka Aurora Skye) birthday. Okay, so it was actually on Sunday, but we chose to celebrate it at work today on our lunch hour instead.

Hmm let's see now, what more can I say about my sister that I haven't already mentioned in previous posts, except that she is one of the most giving human-beings that I have ever known. Last year, she donated one of her kidney's to her mother in order to save her life. She worked very hard to make sure that she was physically fit as to be able to accomplish this. I know of no act more selfless than giving someone else the gift of life. I am very proud of her.

Of course I gave her my usual "sentimental-type" card along with a Celestial Moon sun-catcher and a standing wall plaque suited especially for "sisters." (By the way, just in case anyone was wondering exactly "how" she and I are related, allow me to try and explain).

I first met Robin many years ago through my husband (then only boyfriend) because she was married to his brother at the time. Several years later, when my husband and I had also gotten married, she and I were officially sisters-in-law. Then, after my brother-in-law had passed away a few years later, she evenually re-married. However, we found that we had only grown closer through the years and we shall always remain family to one another. And so to her I say, "Happy Birthday, my dear sister and I hope that you had a wonderful day!"

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Robin, and thanks for sharing a very dear story.
