Monday, July 18, 2011

Gifts from Canada

It was so nice to come home yesterday afternoon and know that both kitties and house were looked after in such a thoughtful way ~ cats had been taken care of by "Auntie Judy" who stopped over every single day to give them full bowls of food and water, our mail was neatly placed on our kitchen table, our trash was taken out on a daily basis and our cats were given their "loving" attention by a fellow cat-lover (and a very good friend!).

Naturally, I picked up a few souvenirs' while in Canada  (after all, a vacation without shopping is like wine without  the cheese)along with a couple of "thank you" gifts for my wonderfully dear friends, Judy and sister Robin, to whom I can not thank enough for giving us the piece of mind we needed while we were away.

For Judy, I bought a pretty pair of  genuine Lapis Lazulli earrings and amethyst necklace.

For Robin, I found a pair of Jody Coyete earrings becuase I know she really likes the brand and she loves earrings the way most of us love shoes!

For us, a couple of cool T-shirts and some unique soaps and such.

A cat t-shirt that turns colored when it is exposed to the Sun ...

(Of course, you saw this one coming...)

Speaking of flags, while having a nice dinner one night at a pub called, "The Cove," we saw a really cool flag hung on the ceiling at their bar ...

And, we frequented a shop in Westport called, "Northern Exposure" where I almost bought one of these little Green Man items ...

Wishing everyone a wonerful week as I return back to work on Wednesday. ;)

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