Monday, July 04, 2011

"Sisters of the Moon" ~ Stevie Nicks (and some cool pics)

I have had the pleasure of seeing Stevie Nicks perform live many times and she is the real deal. She's beautiful, talented, appreciates her fans like no other ~ the ultimate performer!! This is one of the best video clips I have ever seen of her as actual proof of that. Enjoy!

Intense silence
As she walked in the room
Her black robes trailing
Sister of the moon
And a black widow spider makes
More sound than she
And black moons in those eyes of hers
Made more sense to me
Heavy persuasion
It was hard to breathe
She was dark at the top of the stairs
And she called to me

And so I followed
As friends often do
I cared not for love, nor money
I think she knew
The people, they love her
And still they are the most cruel

She asked me
Be my sister, sister of the moon
Some call her sister of the moon
Some say illusions are her game
Wrap her in velvet
Does anyone, ah, know her name

So we make our choices
When there is no choice
And we listen to their voices
Ignoring our own voice


  1. Snap - another Stevie fan here.
    Love Leanne

  2. Stevie Nicks is my idol and i love her free spirit. Seeing her in concert this year was amazing and something i will always hold close to my heart. The woman is 65 yrs old and is just as beautiful now as she was when she was young. She is just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Truely an inspiration to us all!
