Sunday, August 28, 2011

Certified Reiki Level II!!!

Wow, it's been quite a weekend. Our classes began on Saturday morning and we worked all day, then we ended this afternoon (Sunday) after a three hour late start thanks to the rain and wind storm we had! We lost power at our house around 2 o'clock in the morning and did not get it back until 7PM today. (but, thankfully, it is back!!!!)

I have been told that Reiki Level II classes are very intense and much more work than Reiki Level I. Well, as I have found out, it definately is! First of all, there was a lot more to take in this time around. For me,  the hardest part was learning the Reiki symbols in distance healing. Learning "how" to properly write them, pronouce them and memorize them is a bit tricky and takes practice, practice, practice!

We received two Reiki Level II attunements and it was totally amazing! Much like the attunements received in Reiki Level I, the Reiki Master opens up "doors" inside your body. At one point, Fran picked up my hands and placed them together in a praying-like position. My hands got very heavy and I felt as though they were two magnets and no matter how I tried, I could not get them apart. It was as if the energy in my body was completely overriding my mind. Of course, everyone is different and each practitioner's experience with attunements vary as well.

Among the many things we learned, was how to perform Reiki without having to actually touch the client, we learned how to pinpoint and send Reiki healing energy through the use of pictures, and we also learned various ways to utilize our pendulums.

Ah, yes and I was so thrilled to see my buddy, Pepsi who is doing very well and is extremely happy!!! He looks great!

All in all, a great experience and I would definately recommened Reiki Level II for those who feel they are ready to grow and take their Reiki practice to the next level. Namaste, my friends!!

Sara, me & Missy


  1. Whoop whoop - well done!
    Feel free to do some distance healing on my chest infection - grin. (Cheeky aye!)

    Love Leanne

  2. awesome!! So glad it was a good experience for you, despite the hurricane! You and I have to figure out a way to combine our reiki energy together across the miles. Love ya!!

  3. Wonderful, wonderful!! Congrats and best wishes for achieving Reiki II! Brightest blessings and many hugs!! And so happy to hear Pepsi is doing well!!

  4. Thank you so much my friends! I am very blessed indeed to have all of you in my life.

    Brightest Blessngs always,

