Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another trip to New Hope

Lately, my mom has been very much in need of "getting away from it all." She pretty much takes round the clock care of my poor dad who has, shall we say, his share of medical issues. Last year, he had his second pace-makeer put in, this past year he had a total knee replacement (painful but necessary rehab and all), and for the past few weeks his arthritis has been getting much worse. In addition to the reiki treatments I have been giving him on a bi-weekly basis which does seem to help him a lot, he now has to attend rehab for his arthritis in his neck as he has a hard time moving it most days.

Last weekend while he was having his reiki, he asked me if I could take my mom out shopping or something for the day so that she could take a little breather from taking care of him. So we decided to take her to one of her (and our) favorite places yesterday ~ New Hope, PA ...

We started with a cool little shoppe called, "Christmas Past" which is open all year round there (it happens to be my mom's favorite shoppe ~ next to the dog store called, "Bow Wow," that is).

They also sell some Halloween items there as well so my husband just couldn't resist snapping this pic of my donning a witches hat!

"Jake & Elwoods's House of Chews" is yet another great shoppe. Here you can buy both dog and cat items, etc.

We spent the entire day walking around shopping and enjoying the weather which was a bit cool, but beautiful none-the-less. New Hope was hopping busy with dozens of cars driving up and down the main strip and huge crowds of people doing their Christmas shopping. While walking along the sidewalk, my mom spotted three very lovely greyhounds and their owner.

Naturally, I couldn't visit New Hope without popping in to see Morganna at my favorite shoppe, "Mystickal Tymes." My mom even joined me in buying some great candles. Morganna is the owner Jason's 16 year-old cat and she never wonders outside of the shoppe. As Jason had said to me, "She hates it out there!" 

We wrapped up the day with eating some delicious fine dining at "Tuscany."  The atmostphere is so awesome, with a romantic fire burning and live piano music in the middle of the room.

I am so glad that we were able to take my mom out for some well-deserved (and much needed) fun!


  1. Another great trip to New Hope! The shops look wonderful and I love the photo of you with the Witch's Hat, it looks totally perfect on you!! The grayhounds are amazing, how super they are rescued and living the good life! Blessings to both your Mom and your Dad. How touching that he asked you to take your Mom out. I feel badly about the pain he is suffering, and for the pain his family suffers for him. Hugs!

  2. Hello my dear friend, Just wanted to send my positive thoughts and energy going your way as well as to your lovely parents. I wish I were back in Fort Myers for this one reason (otherwise I don't want to be there at all). It's there I was attuned to the Master Symbol ... and my wonderful teachers held a reiki share every month. There were so many reiki practioners there and we gave out reike (for free of course) to anyone who came. I have to tell you most folks had a treatment with 6 people giving out reiki and most were masters. Needless to say everybody felt just wonderful, on both sides of the table. But, at the beginning of each session, we would send energy from any requests in the place ... one time I requested energy be sent to my long-suffering brother who was on death's door, and so at least 30 folks sent out their positive reiki energy ... and low and behold he survived ... at least for then, he's gone now but that's another story. So to make my long story short I wish there was a reiki share here and perhaps near you to give this energy to your mom and dad. I know it would at the very least alieve their suffering.

  3. Robin & Artsings ~ Yes, it can sometimes be a little hard on us all, but we stick together and help each other always as families do. Thank you so much, your caring thoughts and words are very appreciated, my dear friends! And, it is true that New Hope is a wonderful place and so relaxing, too!

    Love and many blessings,


  4. Glad you were able take your Mom on a special day trip. It's important to get away from the stress and monotony at times. Looks like you had a really enjoyable day!
