Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Favorite Yule ornaments

Ever had those few ornaments which you simply must include on your Yule tree every year? You know, the ones that you have had for so many years and yet you just can't seem to part with because they have some kind of special, sentimental meaning for you?

I, myself, have many such ornaments. Some are gold-plated with the names of all of our cats, both past and present, engraved on them ~ each with the year on them in which they joined our little family. Some are, of course, celestial and/or Pagan in nature, and still others I like because I think that they are just plain unique ...


Green Man

   Handmade/painted Cat by "Suzanimals"

Engraved cat ornament

I treasure the engraved cat ornaments the most; however, especially the one above as it was given to me by my mom for Christmas the year that my very first cat, Whiskers, had passed away. I have had it since I was 14 years old.

These ornaments are kind of my small way of preserving their memories and they always bring back found ones as well!


  1. Sentimental treasures bring us comfort and joy! Love yours, and their significance.

  2. Oh, I really liked see these pictures...I have to try and take some of ours when we unpack them at Thanksgiving. I never seem to get everything done now ... when I was young .... wow, I was a wonder at getting all kinds of work and art done ... but now it's such a chore. Ugggg. Oh well, I'll never give up and keep trying.
    Peace to you my dear sister in spirit.
    Love and Light to ALL !

  3. What beautiful decorations! I also have a few decorations that seem to be my favorites.
