Wednesday, November 09, 2011

A Hot Air Balloon Ride and some beautiful Fall pics ...

Last weekend, my husband decided to take my 82-year old father-in-law for a hot air balloon ride . This had been his Father's Day present, but they couldn't get around to actually going until sometime in the fall. 

They had  perfect weather and everyone had a great time! Of course, my hubby made sure to take plenty of beautiful autumn scenery pics of Allentown, PA while they were up in the air...

Ahh, the gorgeous foliage, the cool, fresh air ~ this most certainly does remind me of why I love fall so much.


  1. I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride. What an awesome birthday gift for your father-in-law! Your hubby took very beautiful pictures. thank you for sharing them.

    Blessings, V.

  2. That must have truly been a wonderful sight for your father-in-law! Very special, and the photos are glorious!!
