Saturday, December 17, 2011

From the Heart

Today I received a very special little gift from a very special little girl., Kylianna. Kylie, as we call her, is the daughter of a good friend of mine and she is also one of my reiki clients as well. She is only 6 years old, loves school, her baby sister Kaylie, and candles ~ talk about a girl after my own heart! 

She told her mommy that she wanted to get a Christmas present for her "Aunt Kimmy" and that she wanted to be sure to give it to me herself, personally. She very graciously picked out a beautiful gold-colored Angel candle holder for me "because she knows I love candles so much."

Every time her mommy comes over to my home for her reiki sessions, I always make sure to give Kylie a small, scented votive candle or the like. She looks forward to it so, and I just enjoy her company so much. I really adore this little girl. Thank you, my Kylie-girl and Merry Christmas to you and your whole family from your Auntie Kimmy!!!


  1. Awwwww, what an adorable photo of two little sweeties. And what a sweet gift. I feel so much light and love all around!

  2. This is so adorable! What a sweet gift! And, what cute girls!!!

  3. What a special gift from a special girl. Thanks for the beautiful post.

    Love and Light Always

  4. I love angels, my favourite make well except for everything, no seriously PEWTER angels, I collect actually I collect them all and when there is something special someone always sends me an angel all types...and what a nice little girl

  5. also your heading does it come from one of Emmanuel's book I have read 4 of his books and they are magical....
