Saturday, December 03, 2011

A Matter of Faith

As a Wiccan, I faithfully celebrate Yule and the Winter Solstice. As a daughter; however, I still spend the Christmas holidays, church aside, with my Christian family. There may be a few of my fellow Wiccans who might believe that in doing so, I am in conflict with my Wiccan beliefs. As I see it, I, myself, am not celebrating Christmas - I am merely respecting the fact that my family does. I love spending time with my family and friends and since that does not interfere in any way with the fact that I am Wiccan and celebrate the sabbat of Yule, I certainly do not see any problem with it.

For example, my husband is agnostic, but he has always respected my decision to be a Wiccan. Even though he does not actually participate in our circles and sabbat celebrations, he is still there with me and he helps me in any way he can. He has always stood by me and supported me throughout these many years. The fact that he does not follow my own personal religious beliefs, does not mean that he can not be accepting of them.

As a Wiccan Priestess and teacher, I am also a strong advocate of religious tolerance, and as such, I truly believe in “practicing what I preach.” After all, it is a road which runs both ways. It is important for us to remember that, ultimately, we all breathe the same air and we are all a part of the same universe – regardless of our various faiths and diverse religious beliefs.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I first started out studying the Wiccan way, as you might say. But, for me, it evolved into something else, and that's why I think of myself as Pagan. But I do hold true to many of the Wiccan ways and always will. As far as Christmas is concerned, it's a Pagan holiday anyway, and I really don't have anything against Christ and his message....they all lead to the same path and in the heart of all religions is Love, so what's the difference? So many have died because of their religious beliefs it's ridiculous. We find that out immediately on passing from this life to our greater life in Summerland.

  2. Artsings ~ You have explained it perfectly, my dear sister!! I feel the exact same way about this - all of it. What a shame that a lot of other religions do not have the same mindset as we do, eh? Just think what a much better world we could live in for ourselves as the Goddess' children?

    Thank you for your beautiful comments!

    Love & Light to all,


  3. Great post, Kim. How can there be anything wrong with observing the holidays of others, especially if they are family and friends. That is a most intolerant attitude, which negates what a lot of pagans are always "harping" about: let each walk their own path without criticism. It is hardly being in conflict with Wiccan beliefs to celebrate your family's fact it is very much part of the Path in my way of thinking. Too much time is spent decrying other's beliefs (and some Wicca bashing as well, which I am growing tired of). Live and let live, and Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Blessed Yule, Happy Kwanzaa, etc.

  4. Robin ~ Thank you! I couldn't have said that any better myself. Live and let live is the best motto, I say!

    Blessings always,


  5. Great post Kim! I agree with everything you said! I have so many faiths around me. It's funny, we have Christmas, then we have Ukrainian Christmas in January. We were brought up Greek Catholic. My mom and brother are now Buddhists, my other brother and sister-in-law are Catholic and me, I am a little witch! LOL! It's a fun house ;o) Blessings my friend ;o)

  6. Magic Love Crow ~ I think it is wonderful that you have so many diverse faiths in your family. You are truly blessed indeed!!!

    Love & light to you,


  7. You're right there. Every occasion to spend time with loved ones should be seized, and not everything has got to be about spirituality and the clash of religions. ^^

  8. Even though I'm Wiccan I still like to put up a tree and do things the Christian way. I'm not celebrating the religious aspect of the day. I'm just with friends and family who matter to me. If anyone else has a problem with it, they can kiss a certain rounded part of my back end. ;)

  9. Salem Witch Child ~ An Amen and Blessed Be to that, one my sister! LOL!!!!

    Love & Light,


  10. My oldest daughter is Christain like her father and step-mother. We celebrate both in my home. I don't have a promblem with it. I don't do the church thing but I would love to go to one that sings all of the traditional Christmas songs. They just bring back memeries.

    Blessings to you, V.

  11. Acceptance is the name of the game. This whole thing reminds me of a bumper stick which is a quote from Jimmy Hendrix (I think) that says "When the power of love replaces the love of power, the world will know peace". So True!
