Friday, December 09, 2011

Thank you, Stacy!!!

A very special "Thank You!" to Stacy at her blog, "Magic Love Crow" for picking me as one of the winners in her cool "Shhhh Give-Away!" Her blog is absolutely awesome and her artwork even more so! (Simply "click" on one of the above links to view her blog and beautiful artwork.)

I have never won anything before in a Give-Away (seriously) and I am so excited!!! Stacy, words can not express how very thankful I am for both your artwork and your friendship!

I will post a picture of my prize in a future post for all to see. Congrats to all of the other winners as well!  :)

1 comment:

  1. AWwwwwww Kim, you are too sweet! Thanks so much for your kind words! I love doing giveaways! My only problem is, I want everyone to have something ;o) That's why I always try to giveaway more than one piece of art at a time. I hope you truly love your surprise ;o) I think I will do more surprise giveaways! It was fun! I am so thankful I picked your name too, since you have never won anything! I am doing a happy dance for you! Blessings my friend ;o)
