Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The elusive stray cat ...

Yes my friends, both my hubby and I are STILL very patiently waiting to catch that very elusive stray kitty whose been hanging around outside our house. He's cunning, he's cautious, and worst of all, he's smart! LOL!

Last night we set up the Have-A-Heart trap as we have been doing for the past week now. My hubby put his food bowl inside the trap, but this time he purposely did not set it so that it would close. The reason behind this is so that he gets used to eating inside of the trap and will then, hopefully, have no fear of it when we want to use it. Then, perhaps we would have a good chance of catching him and getting him in the house and out of the cold and wind. He also placed a couple of small pieces of Slim Jim's in front of the cage leading to the food bowl as to encourage him to walk inside.

Well, kitty decided to eat the pieces of Slim Jim's and then walked away without eating a morsel of the cat food in his dish!

Ah yes, and so tonight, we begin again ... LOL!!!!!


  1. Raw chicken will get him in the trap, Kim. That's how the animal warden on the Navy base we lived on in California caught all the strays in the humane traps. He said raw chicken does it every time!

    1. Robin ~ Thanks so much, my friend! I shall definately give this a try!!


  2. Good luck. I hope the raw chicken works.

  3. Oh, I would just be patient. We've done this a few times in our day...and patience seems to win out in the end. He's just being who he is ... and eventually your love and gentleness will come through. I don't know about the raw chicken though, but they do manage in the wild with all kinds of raw things, so what the heck. Be that as it may, good luck and keep us posted.

    Happiness and All Things Good to ALL !

    1. Artsings ~ Thanks, my dear friend! Actually, according to the vet, raw meat is very healthy for cats and good for their teeth and staying fit. They can even eat bones as long as they are not cooked which changes the density and will choke them or puncture their stomach! You also cannot feed them regular food (cat kibble) right after you feed them the raw meat because the raw meat gets digested very quickly in their system, but the kibble takes hours. The raw meat gets digested so quickly that it doesn't have time to cause problems! If you mix both raw meat and kibble, you WILL rist getting them sick.



  4. Kim, I am laughing my head off, sorry! LOL! I really hope the raw chicken Robin suggested works ;o) I think if it was me, I would cook it a little ;o) Although, I just read what you said about raw food for cats! Very interesting! I never knew any of that! Good Luck ;o) Blessings my friend ;o)

    1. Magic Love Crow ~ No need for apologies my friend, we think it is pretty funny also! :D

      Thanks for the vote of encouragement! Keeping our fingers crossed for the poor little guy!

      Brightest Blessings,


  5. did you get him yet?

    1. Bliss ~ Nope, not yet. Almost had him ~ he managed to trip the trap, but still got out because he wasn't inside of it far enough. So now he is even more cautious and won't get too close to it. But we haven't given up on him yet! LOL!!


