Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Keeping in Touch

Ahh, so many good friends ~ so little time these days. It seems that the older I get, the less time I have to spend with special friends like I used to only just a few years ago, or as I affectionately like to refer to them, "the good ole days." In fact, one of my dear friends, Judy-B, I have even known since fourth grade.

(Judy-B, me and my "twin soul" Judy)

I remember going out almost every single weekend with "the gang" ~ chilling out at our favorite haunts, singing karaoke (with my few friends who could actually sing, of course ~ lol!), dancing, talking, laughing, spending all of our special moments together through birthdays and anniversaries, etc.

Now however, life seems to have gotten so very busy these days for all of us. Our priorities have changed throughout these many years as we have "grown up. " Our parents are also getting older and are in need of our help a lot more than they used to, some of my friends have kids who are involved in various school activities and so forth. Not to mention the money factor for most of us.

Be that as it may, we find ourselves barely seeing eachother but once a year! Sure, we still manage to talk on the telephone or e-mail one another from time to time, but it just isn't the same as "the good ole days." So, this year we have all decided to make every effort to get together next  month for my "twin soul"Judy and my birthdays which are a day apart.

Please don't get me wrong, I am glad that I am older and wiser now and I would not wish to be that same person I was so long ago. I simply miss, what seemed to me then, what would last forever ~ time. In the day to day hustle and bustle of life, I never want to lose sight of the things I still hold dear to my heart ~ keeping in touch with those friends who will alawys be like family to me. It reminds me of the saying, "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves."


  1. I miss you and Judy and hope we can all get together soon. It's hard to get everyone together at a time that is good for everyone but I hope we can do it. You are my oldest friend that I am still in touch with and I have missed you very much.

    1. Judy ~ I feel "exactly" the same way about you guys and I swear I will find a way this coming month! One way or the other. I miss you all so very much and I can't wait to get together again!!!!

      See you soon, my dear friend ~

      Love you, Kim

  2. Great post Kim! I hope you have a great time with your friends! Sometimes our friends, our closer than our own family! Big Hugs ;o)
