Monday, January 09, 2012

My Imbolg Altar

Although I cherish all of our sacred sabbats, I must admit that Imbolg is by far one of my favorite celebrations! I love honoring the Goddess Brigit (actually pronounced "Breed") and all that it entails.The God still growing inside of the Goddess' belly in essence allowing the Sun to grow ever closer to us as we anticipate the oncoming of Spring, gradually experiencing everything around us in Nature come to life again, the "sweeping out of the old" as we "bring in the new", and the days beginning to get longer as the nights get shorter.

I love to decorate my altar with little white besoms, a grain dolly in representation of Brigit, Her bed, and of course a special white candle engraved with Her name on it in witches alphabet in Her honor and Brigit's Crosses. 


We light the candles on Imbolg
Weave our crosses end to end
We light the candles on Imbolg
To urge the Sun to come again,
We light the candles on Imbolg
To honor the Goddess Brigit,
We light the candles on Imbolg
To plow the field and sow the seed
~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. Beautiful ... we don't even have our tree down yet ... you so have your act together.

    Love and Light,

  2. Beautiful post! Blessings my friend ;o)
