Saturday, February 25, 2012

Decorating for Ostara

Don't you just love to decorate for the sabbats? The feeling of excitement that I get both before and after decorating my home simply addes to the anticipation of the changing seasons.

Last night I decided to begin decorating a little early while doing my regular weekly house cleaning. Every year, I try to add a little something new and different. So, this year it was a beautiful ceramic Spring dish which I had gotten as one of my birthday presents this year ...

The rest of my stuff, for the most part, I have had for many years now and faithfully put out every year ...

Eostre statue (one of my favorites!)

Handmade Ostara & bunny decoration

Yankee Candle Tart Burner w/tea light

Spring votive candle holder

Musical Bunny (if you press his cotton tail, he plays "Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail")

Spring banner

I figured since the weather has been so unusually warm here for this time of the year, it feels as though Spring has already sprung!!


  1. I love the new ceramic dish. It is so delightful to bring out the Ostara decorations, though today it is snowing and windy, so I will probably hold off, lol! I do adore decorating for the sabbats; seasonal decorating is very much a part of my Wiccan path. Your photos are very inspiring!

    1. Thanks, Robin! Yeah, this weather has been so strange this year so far. We are still expecting to see a snow fall yet ~ LOL! Keep warm, my friend!



  2. Can, I press the cotton tail??? Please, pretty please ;o) Just once ;o) LOL! I love all your decorations ;o) The ceramic dish is beautiful! We are suppose to get summer weather this week! I still think there is going to be one bad snow fall! Hugs ;o)

    1. LOL! Sure can, Stacy! Or maybe I should press it for you since you are so very far away???

      Yeah, we also are waiting for the real snow to arrive ~ you know, the calm before the storm kinda thing? LOL

      Bug hugs to you ,my friend ~

