Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy, Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Even my kitty cat, Midnight, is enjoying Valentine's Day (isn't he just too cute?)!!  Remember my Yule gift from my hubby which I had to return because it was broken? Well, I finally got the replacement from Sears today. Ironic, right? I would happen to receive it after all this time on Valentine's Day of all days?

Cassette tape converter with turn table

Anyway, all we have to do now is figure out how to use it ~ LOL!!! I am so excited and can't wait to try it out so that I can finally post my tapes onto my blog as promised! Even Midnight wants to get in on helping us ...

Midnight "vogue-ing" for the camera

Our cards to eachother and candy from hubby!! (I am taking him out for some fine dining this weekend!)

I hope everyone has a very memorable Valentine's Day whether it be with family or friends!!! Blessings ALL!!


  1. Glad to hear the sounds of Kim will be coming soon!!!! Midnight is adorable! And I spy Godiva!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!

    1. Robin ~ Thanks! Let's hope the tape recordings come out audible ~ LOL!!!!

  2. Yeh, Kim, happy the converter is fixed! Have fun figuring out how to use it ;o) I love Midnight! Too cute for words! It looks like you had a beautiful Valentine's Day ;o) Want to share the chocolate ;o) Hugs ;o)

  3. Stacy ~ I know finally, right? LOL! Of course I will save some chocolate for you ~ and the Godiva for Ms. Robin! LOL!
