Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A little of this and a little of that ...

Hope everyone had a wonderful Ostara full of beautiful Spring weather! We had a lovely, breezy day in the 70's ~ just gorgeous really.

 After I came home from work yesterday, I left our Dwarf Bunny, Sam, out for his usual run around the house. When we first began leaving him out of his cage, the cats were actually scared of him ~ keeping a very safe distance between them and him ...

Midnight and Haley watching him in the living room from afar

Sam likes to "chin" our furniture (mark his scent using the scent glands on the side of his mouth)

Now however, though still more curious than anything else, they will get fairly close to him ...

Midnight keeping a close eye on him while lying on the bed

"Hey, whatcha doin' over there, fella?"

On a different note, I finally found another car. It is a 2009, 4-door Honda Civic with a Sun/Moon roof.  So far, I just LOVE IT!  It rides even smoother than the Kia did and it is a beautiful Burgundy color. Keeping my fingers crossed ...

Well, that is about all for now, my friends. Catch ya'll later ~

Brightest Blessings!!!


  1. Kim, I just love your rabbit and your cats! What a lovely family of animals you have :)
    Best wishes with your "new" car. I do love that color!


    1. Thanks a bunch, Jan! Our furr babies are our indea of "kids"! LOL!

      Blessings to you,


  2. Oh, this makes me miss having a bunny. I wonder what my kitties would make of it.

    Congratulations on the car! I hope it takes you safely to all the places you wish to go.



    1. Arianna ~ You had bunnies, too? How cool! We have had rescue bunnies on and off throughout the years. Somehow, they keep finding our home! LOL!



  3. Kim, Sam is precious! Funny how the kitties react to him. They probably wonder what the heck kind of "Cat" is he, anyway! lol! Definitely like that car...hope all works out!!!

    1. Robin ~ Sam was our rescue bunny whom we found hopping around our front lawn a couple of 4th of July's ago! LOL! He is about 4 years old now.

      Yes, you are right about the cats. A few years ago we had a mini lop. Can you image what my cats thought then?? LOL!

  4. Kim, your new car looks amazing and Honda's are suppose to be really good cars! Good for you! I am keeping my fingers crossed too ;o)
    Sam is so cute! Your house is so much fun! I want to come over and play ;o) I agree with what Robin said, your cats are probably thinking, what the heck kind of Cat is he anyway! LOL!
    Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thanks, Stacy! Come on over anytime. The critters would love it I am sure. The more the merrier I always say!LOL!

      BTW, the spring pic above was taken last year on our trip to Ontario, Canada! Can't wait to go again!



  5. I used to have a Civic and I LOVED it! (we grew to large for it though, lol!!)
