Sunday, March 18, 2012



Long ago in a land far away,
When the world held magick anew
The Ancient Ones came,
They had many a name
Such as Brigit, Eostre and Lugh

The Celts' had The Dagda,
Great Father God to them all
The giver of life was he,
and a warrior, you see
The Morrigan was his lover I recall
The Great Greeks had Zeus and Hera,
A match made in heaven - it was not
Many mistresses had he,
and there's Heras' jealousy
Causing many a disastrous a plot

Remember the ancient Egyptians,
Who worshipped Ra and Isis
Great Mother to all was she,
Her consort Ra, the sun deity
With kin such as Anubis and Osiris

 Let's not forget the Romans,
With their tales of romance and woe
their deities of war and love,
were sent by Mithra above
Such as Mars, Venus and Juno
Since the beginning of time,
Before man walked the Earth
From Odin to Zeus and Eros,
The Old Ones taught us all
Lessons of life through rise and fall
With a creation of stories we call Mythos
~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. This is FANTASTIC, Kim!!! I just love it!!! I am a lover of Ancient Egypt, and the gods, and goddessess. Wonderful!!!

    Blessings, and Hugs,

    1. Thanks so very much for your lovely comment, Jan! I just love studying the various panteons of gods and goddesses from ancient history.I find them very fascinating!

      Blessngs, my friend ~


  2. I love this, thanks for posting it. Studying religions and mythologies from around the world has been a passion of mine since childhood.


  3. Arianna ~ You're very welcome, my friend! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! I have been a student of mythology for a few years now and I adore it so.


