Thursday, March 08, 2012

Spring Fever and other stuff ...

I simply can't believe how very strange this winter has been for us here in Berks County, PA! It actually started with a freak snow and ice storm on Samhain weekend of last year when thousands of people in our area lost their electrical power for a couple of weeks.  Since then, it has snowed only once and melted by the very next day as our temperatures have been very low ~ mostly in the 40's and 50's!

Today, we had extremely warm, spring-like weather in the 70's and a beautiful warm breeze all day long which truly does give one "Spring fever"! I know this much ~ I am definately NOT complaining! Whoo hoo!!!

In other new news, and super special "thanks" to my lovely mother-in-law, I bought a new used car yesterday as my other car I used for work had borken down for good. As my birthday present, she gave me the money to buy myself a really good car on which I can depend. After a couple of weeks of car hunting, checking Car Faxes, and Consumer Reports, hubby and I finally found a sweet, one-owner, very low mileage (only 6,000 miles), 2008 Kia Spectra XS! So far, I really love this car! It is such a smooth ride and I have honestly never owned a car that wasn't in the 1990"s somewhere. What a treat!

Also, my little boy, Midnight, celebrated his 6th birthday with us on Wednesday. As you all probably already know, this kitty is my heart, truly! He is by far the sweetest most loving cat we have ever welcomed into our life. (for more info on him, please read my post from my other blog, Witch Cats, titled "Midnight's Story"


  1. Hello my friend ;o) I just went and read the story of Midnight ;o) I loved it so much! Happy Birthday Midnight ;o) I hope mom gives you lots of treats ;o) I never new about them having short legs and not liking to be picked up or held? Very interesting. The new car is beautiful! That is so sweet of your mother-in-law ;o) We had a freaky snow storm today, but by monday, we are having summer weather!! I think everyone has had a very strange winter! Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Thanks, Stacy! I will give Midnight a big hug for you, my friend! Enjoy the nice summer weather!!



  2. Nichole ~ Thanks! I certainly hope this is a good car! Time will tell I guess since it is still a used car after all??


