Sunday, March 04, 2012

Spring Treats: Lavender Cookies

Lavender Cookies & Icing Recipe

What you need:
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup sugar (regular or fine)
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 1/4 tsp. Lavender Flower extract)
2 tablespoons fresh or 1 tablespoon dried Lavender flower buds, finely chopped
1 sprig of lavender (optional)

2 cups powdered sugar
5 1/2 teaspoons water
6 1/2 teaspoons rose water
Purple food coloring/dye (mix red and blue colors together)

Cream the butter and sugar until light & fluffy. Mix in the flour, Lavender flower buds and vanilla. (If using cookie cutters, form mixture into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and chill for 20 minutes before rolling out dough on a lightly flowered surface to cut).

(some optional cookie cutters)

When ready to make, preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Then drop by teaspoons onto an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes or until lightly golden.

While the cookies bake, prepare the icing by mixing the powdered sugar with the water and rose water. Add the food coloring to your desired shade of purple to spread over cookies after they have cooled.

Remove sheet from oven and let cookies sit for a few minutes before cooling on a wire rack. 


  1. These look delectable. I'm going to have to give this a try.

    Blessings, V.

  2. Yummy, yummy!! Thanks so much Kim ;o)))

  3. I love lavender recipes - excited to give this a try! ~)O(~

  4. These look so good and the recipe sounds delicious. I'm going to write this down and make them when I don't have 100 other things to do. Thank you for sharing. These sound amazing for spring.
