Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The value of a comment

Those of us who have blogs know how much it means when our blogger friends take the time and care enough to leave a comment or two on our blog posts ~ and of course I am no exception.

But as wonderful as receiving comments from others is, for me, there is an even more important reason why I like comments so much. That reason is the fact that communicating through our post comments often gives us the ability to correspond on a more personal level with one another.

I have noticed lately that many of my blog friends also hold little conversations back and forth through their blog comments. It's a great way to form friendships with our peers even if we never do get the opportunity to actually meet them face to face. Most especially with our friends who happen to be very shy or tend to have a difficult time meeting other people of like minds and interests.

Communicating with our fellow bloggers can also give us an appreciation for others who may even be a little different from ourselves. A kind of diversity of sorts among us all in Blogland.

"To me, diversity is inclusive of everyone, it is about learning from others who are not the same, and about dignity and respect for everyone."

~ Donna Garman

I have learned quite a bit from my blogger friends about so many different things. I have found much love, caring and support from others whom I have met through their blogs and that is where many of our friendships begin here.  And, I am indeed grateful to have had the chance to know them all!


  1. Kim, this is so beautifully written. I am very honored, and happy to have met you, and all of my dear friends thru blogging.
    Thank you for this beautiful post. You have brought a smile to my heart~~~

    Blessings, and Hugs,

  2. Jan ~ Thank you so very much and may I say that I am also very honored to have met you as well, my friend!

    Happy blogging and Brightest Blessings,


  3. This is so timely. I've been arranging the things I want to use in my Spring Equinox altar. A friend asked me about this lovely faery wand I got from a very special lady. I told her that I was going to add it to the altar, not because the faery looks fresh, pink and spring-like, but because the person whom I got it from has a special sweetness to her. I've never met you face to face, but words can tell much about a person's soul. And yours are beautiful ;-)

    1. Magaly ~ Thank you so much for your kind words, my friend! To me, your name is as beautiful as you are!! I am very pleased that you enjoy the faerie wand and may she bring you much happiness! And, I am humbled by your friendship. Your blog is fabulous just like you, my dear lady!

      Bug hugs,


  4. Ok, I have read your post and the comments, it's getting too mushy in here! LOL! Let's open a window and let the fresh air in ;o) LOL!
    Seriously Kim, I feel the same way as you do and the rest of the girls ;o) Big Group Hug ;o) XOXOXOXOXO

  5. Blessed Be all our blog friends! Hugs, Kim to you for your very special self!

  6. Thanks so much for the beautiful and well written post. I feel the same way. I love my followers and their kind and positive comments. I really try to answer all of them and hope that I will always be able to.

    Love and Happiness to all.

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