Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cat Tales

Poor Midnight! The other day we found a wart-like object near his backside. So, last night hubby and I took him to our trusty vet who explained to us that it was actually a cyst and that there was a 50/50 percent chance of it turning cancerous. Naturally, he suggested that we have it removed to be safe. We quite agreed!!!

I know for a fact that cats and cancer do not mix! As Dr. Veltri, who graduated from Tufts University and has been practicing veterinary medicine for over 25 years now (and whom we trust implicitly with our furr babies), pointed out to us, cats are especially susceptible to cancerous cysts and they do not respond particularly well to chemotherapy. Dr. Veltri should know ~ chemotherapy happens to be one of his specialties. The risks were too great! While Dr. Veltri was performing Midnight's surgery, he found another smaller cyst and removed that one as well ~ at no extra charge to us by the way.

We picked him up from the vet tonight ~ shaved tail and all ...

We have to take him back next Thursday to get his stitches taken out. In the meantime, he is the purrfect patient as always and we plan on spoiling him to no end. ;)

Also, I finally framed my kitty cat pic from Kylie. My friend Kiki~girl, who happens to be Kylie's grandma and who went to Florida with her, also made me a simular type of cat pic and so I framed them both together ...

Blessings all!!!


  1. Poor Baby...I'll be sending positive thoughts for Midnight. He's so handsome even with missing hair, which will grow back soon enough.

    How lovely your framed treasures look...very nice, Kim :)

    Bright & Positive Blessings,

    1. Jan ~ Your positive energy is extremely appreciated, my friend! Midnight and "mommy" both thank you!

      Brightest Blessings,


  2. Quick healing to Midnight, thank goodness you acted swiftly when you found the cyst! (we lost our dear MacKenzie-cat to cancer in 2010). Tell Midnight his hair will grow back beautifully; he deserves many treats and long stories told about him to all who will listen. wonderful framing job of the two kitties made for you.

    1. Robin ~ I am very saddened by your loss and I can definately relate to how extremely difficult it is to loose a beloved family member. We try our best eventhough sometimes it may not necessarily be enough. We know in our hearts that we did our absolute best and gave them the happiest life they could have ever had.

      Love and Blessings,


  3. Poor Midnight! Look at his tail! I am sending healing thoughts to him, that everything will be 100% ;o) He is lucky to have such good parents and Kim, you are lucky to have such a good vet! I love the framed art! Beautiful! Big Hugs ;o)
