Monday, April 02, 2012

The Color of Moods

Have you ever wondered how colors affect our moods? Back a few years ago, my friend Waterfae and I attended a weekend-long series of seminars which offered a various array of classes including tarot and reiki. You could also learn about different Pagan traditions such as Norse and Druid.  I was fortunate enough to participate in a Samhain Druid ritual where I had been chosen to pick the tarot card divining the future for the coming year!

One of the classes which we attended was facilitated by an R.N. on “Colors and our Moods.” We were given glasses with different color lenses in them and asked to try them on for a couple of minutes at a time, then note “how” they made us feel. Interestingly enough, they worked! This little exercise showed us how colors really do have a physical and psychological affect on the human body. They can influence the pituitary gland which helps regulate hormone production. Since hormones affect our moods, it only makes sense that colors would also.

Specific colors directly relate to our emotions. For example, the color red encumbrances energy and vitality, but can also evoke anger and aggressiveness.  Pink, on the other hand, can provide a sense of being cared for, love and friendship.

Orange is stimulating, good for times when we can’t seem to get something started. The lighter version of this color, peach, may be used to counter exhaustion due to stress.

Yellow is a good color for mental activities like reasoning and analysis. It helps promote self-confidence and is helpful in situations where we need to be more optimistic. According to the facilitator, who once worked as a nurse in a mental hospital, this is exactly why we see yellow walls in mental patient facilities.

Green tends to make most people think of nature. Since much of the natural world is green, this color is about connections with nature and with our fellow human beings. It is also good for general stress since it helps to balance our emotions.

Blue is soothing and relaxing. It can stimulate creativity. Light blue can denote quiet and peacefulness. Dark blue can be sedating; however, too much dark blue can be depressing – much like the expression, “I am feeling blue."

Purple relates to our imagination, intuition, and insight. It may also give us a peaceful feeling.

The color white is most definitely about peace, but can also be associated with purity, cleansing, purification and clarity.

Black may make some people think of depression, but doesn’t have to. It is a dramatic color which is worn by many artists. It also denotes mystery and a feeling of protection.

While it is true that colors do affect our various moods, they can also be used to change them as well. After all, it is no coincidence that we use these colors, along with their corresponding attributes, to aid us in our workings such as candle magick.

(image credits)


  1. Wonderful post, Kim! I agree with you so much on all that you wrote! Candle Magick is one of the tools that I love to use along with aromatherapy, and music such as the Native American Flutes. I have asked my sister Georgie to also use these for help with her healing and mood swings during her treatment for breast cancer. They have all helped her get thru this rough period in her life~~~

    Blessings & Hugs,

  2. I love color magick! These associations with colors just make sense! Thanks for the refresher course!

  3. Kim, I love this post ;o) Funny, my bedroom is bright purple walls, and a yellow boarder ;o) I love the kitty ;o) He could be any color and I would love him ;o) Hugs ;o)
