Sunday, April 15, 2012

Say what?

This morning while browsing around on the blogs which I follow, I came across an article on Witchvox titled, "I'm Not Clergy and You Can't Make Me" written by a young woman named Deborah Castellano. In it, she talks about her journey as a Pagan and basically speaks out about her "views" on Pagan Clergy and the like. To start with, here are a couple of excerpts from her article:

"I do wonder why in Paganism especially it seems that we all need to be experts, Priest/esses and basically the person who knows the most? I wonder what that says about us as a people? I mean, surely we can't all be awesome people-people with seemingly never ending amounts of patience and kindness. It's not like it pays anything or even carries much prestige at the end of the day outside of the Pagan/Occult community. But yet . . .most of us seem to want it like a wanting thing and I wonder why that is. It took me like ten out of fourteen years of my Pagan practice to stop that. Because . . .you know what? I don't want to be held up as an infallible expert, I don't need that pressure in my life. I don't need to be the realest of the real, the family trad-ist of the family trads, the most authentic non-indigenous person . . ."
"...When I started to wake up to the reality of what clergy really means (death rites, marriages you know aren't going to work that you need to perform anyway, being political and keeping your mouth shut, lots of unpaid labor..."

* Sigh* ~  Well, all I can say is "WOW!" What a shame this young lady doesn't truly and fully "get it."  Her words speak volumes about her, apparently, bad experiences on this subject! Allow me to retort if you will and I quote: "It's not like it pays anything or even carries much prestige at the end of the day outside of the Pagan/Occult community."

Alright, first of all, it has never ever been about" money" or "prestige" for me nor for any of the Pagan Clergy members to whom I am associated with.  Secondly,  in her article she basically alludes that people only think that you are an "awesomely patient and kind person" if you have the title of Clergy. Say what?

Becoming a member of the Pagan Clergy (High Priestess/Priest or the like) is strictly a personal decision which one may choose to make somewhere along their spiritual path. It has very little to do with "titles" so much as it represents helping others should they need spiritual guidance. It has to do with educating and teaching others as well as giving them "options" i.e. legal Handfastings and other Pagan Rites of Passage in which other religions get benefit of. It does not make us "better" than anyone else per se.

And furthermore, it is definately NOT some sort of "notch on your belt" nor an ego trip.  In my opinion, any Pagan Clergy who thinks and acts such as this, is certainly not worth their salt and does not deserve the so-called title of a clergy person! In other words, they don't "get it" anymore than the author of this article does.

It seems, my friends, as though we as a Pagan community still have a ways to go. How can we expect to overcome ignorance if we can not be open-minded enough to have a true understanding of our own faith?

Brightest Blessings,



  1. How sad that she is so unhappy. You need to fill the shoes that make you happy in any religion, and in life in general. I am happy being what, and who I am. For some it is important being in the Pagan Clergy, for others...not so much.

    Very good post, Kim~~~


    1. Thanks, Jan! You are absolutely right. Being a part of the Clergy is not something that everyone feels meant for or is drawn to. And there certainly isn't anythinhg wrong with that!



  2. Kim, this is very sad! I am truly know expert and I don't say I am, but I think we all learn from each other. I might be off of topic or right on topic, but to me, this person isn't happy, so why not leave this path she is on? Is that mean of me to say? I love the path that I am on. I love the people I have met. I treasure everything that I am learning. This is just me ;o) And, like you and Jan have stated, being a part of the Clergy is not something that everyone feels meant for or is drawn to and that is ok ;o) Excellent post my friend ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ No, that isn't a mean thing to say at all, my friend. In fact, it makes a lot of sense to me as well. And I, and my clergy friends, also very strongly believe that "we all learn from each other" and we are always constantly learning at that! That is the first thing that I learned to be honest with you.

      Brightest Blessings always,


  3. You're right on her having bad experiences. Obviously she has been hanging out with the wrong pagan peeps. Hopefully she will encounter a person, group whatever to make her feel better about the path she picked. As far as Clergy that has never come to my mind in the 15+ years I have been Pagan. So yeah poor girl really needs to sit down and re-think the choices she has made and the people she is surrounding herself with.

    Love and Light,

    1. Mel ~ You are quite right. I feel she is definately not surrounding herself with people who are good for her! Meeting the right people who can help you in order to grow in our path is essential and means everything for us!



  4. Wow, Your right of course. I believe there is a right path for each person. Doesn't have to be the same path as mine or anyone else's. But obviously she's not on the path that's right for her. If all she thinks is that Pagan clergy try to put themselves above others and do it for prestige then I think she needs to do a lot of soul searching. I know many Pagan clergy and you know what, they aren't making a lot (IF any) money. I happen to be one of the Pagan clergy that makes no money! I offer my services for free.

  5. Salem Witch Child ~ You and I both, my friend! I do not charge for any of my services either and never have. "Soul searching" is right and I hope this gal finds her way soon to, as you said, whatever path she is meant to take.

    Brightest Blessings!


    1. I decided to write about this on my blog.

      You can read it here.
