Sunday, April 01, 2012

Spring Candle Give-Away and stuff ...

Okay, first an update on Niecy. She wasn't very happy being downstairs away from us. So Friday night we brought her upstairs (cage and all) and put her in our spare bedroom.  She has more room to roam around when we are home. The only problem now is that apparently our female cats decided that they are going to "mark" their territory and urinate on our good couch! GRRRR!! I could have killed them, trust me!

Last year, mind you, when we cat-sat Niecy they did not do this. Why now, who knows? Pardon the pun, but they peed me off so badly that both female cats spent the night out on Haley's catio. Haley sleeps out there anyway and her urinating issue, if you recall, is the precise reason why.  Kiki really hates being out there, but I was so angry with her that I really didn't give a rats behind since I caught her in the act late last night.  And so,  I had been up until 4:30 AM washing the blankets which (thank Goddess) had been on the couch at the time.  Then I sprayed the couch down with "Urine Gone" (which by the way, doesn't really seem to do a stinking thing anyhow).

Niecy has been relaxed and calm. We gave her some catnip toys to play with and we give her the attention she wants and needs. Unfortunately, it looks as though we will not be able to watch her , or any other kitties for that matter, anymore do to this issue with our females Kiki and Haley eventhough it really isn't Niecy's fault.  This is the main reason why I prefer neutered male cats over females ANY DAY!  Even when they are spayed, females still tend to be very territorial. I told my hubby, from now on, it's male cats only. We no longer take in females ~ Period!!! (My male cat Midnight, of course, is the only one with any sense ~ he is such an angel truly.)

Now, that being said, the next thing on my agenda is my Spring Candle Give-Away. The candles I am giving away as prizes are:

One double-wicked "Blue Mountain Candle" Spring Rain

and a "Chocolate Bunnies"scented Yankee Candle votive & holder

All you have to do is be a follower of this blog and, as usual, leave a comment on this post letting me know that you are interested in being included in this Candle Give-Away. The give-away drawing will be on Saturday, April 14th!

And last, but not least, HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY ALL!!! (and no, this post isn't an April Fool's joke! LOL)

Upon the first of April,
I saw the Holy Fool
He was a merry prankster
The Lord of all Misrule!
He looked at me and winked an eye
And danced and sang and then
He sang, “Blessed Be and Blessed Be
And Blessed Be again!

-Joe Bethancourt


  1. Wow, Kim, I had no idea that female cats marked territory! How awful for you. There is no figuring out cats, that is for sure.
    Love the candle giveaway, and please enter into the drawing. I have not seen that that Chocolate Bunnies Yankee candle. Must smell delicious! HOpe the rest of Niecy's stay goes calmly.

    1. Robin ~ Ahh yes, they certainly do! We had two females in the past (one Main Coon and one gray/white shorthair) who did not do this sort of thing and we were very lucky because that isn't the norm for females at all.

      I will certainly include you in the candle drawing, my friend!



    2. Robin ~ Oh yeah, and the votive candle DOES smell just like chocolate! Especially when you burn it! :D

  2. Kim, you know, my mom is the same way. We have only had male cats! I feel so bad for you! I wonder why the females do this?
    I would love to be entered into your giveaway ;o) I love them both ;o) I am not picky ;o) LOL!
    Happy April Fool's Day! Love the poem ;o)

  3. Stacy ~ I think that females do this because it is instinctual and in their nature to. I still find it rather strange, myself.

    You got it, my dear friend! I already added you to the drawing!



  4. Ah yes the kitty issue of marking territory. Been there done that still going through it, lol. I do love my kitty cats.
    I would love to be entered in the drawing dear, thanks.

    Love and Light,

  5. Desert Siren ~ My sympathies! But I still do really love cats anyway and can't imagine life without them.

    You are added, my friend!



  6. Kim, I would love to be in your giveaway!!! So sorry that you had these problems. It is so hard to get rid of urin smells of any kind!!! I always loved male cats and I probably always will favor them...just my choice :) BTW...we had an all black male cat that I also named Midnight!!! Small world :)

    Blessings & Love,

    1. Jan ~ I can't believe how awesome that is, yes it cerainly is a small world indeed, my sister

      I would be happy to add you to my drawing!

      Blessings always,


  7. Yep not fun when cats mark their spot...
    Cat pee is soo hard to get rid of, smell that is, glad you had throws on couch.

    Love Leanne

  8. I am interested in being included in this Candle Give-Away!
    Thank You;)

    Amy Orvin

    1. Amy ~ You got it! You are already added!



  9. Thank you for the advise on the cats. ive been wanting a cat since forever, and might not get one anytime soon, but i will in the future! so thank you. haha.
    have you ever had bunnies? is cat pee stronger or thicker than theirs?

    Also i am interested in the candle give-away!
    thank you!!

  10. Lilyxgrey ~ You're welcome! Cats are great! Yes, I have had a few bunnies over the years and I have a dwarf bunny now. Actually, rabbit pee is quite a bit thicker than cats pee and signicificantly stronger as well. When I clean my bunny's cage, sometimes my eyes water from the ammonia fumes.

    Also, I have added you to the GIVE-aWAY!

    Blessings to you ~

