Monday, April 09, 2012

A Very Special "Thank You"

I received a special little "thank you" gift today from Niecy's family for taking care of her for them. Niecy is actually Kylie's kitty cat and she made me a very beautiful laminated picture while in Flordia made out of colored sand of a cat playing in a fish bowl.  It is so adorable that I just had to share it with you all in a post ...

And not only that, but she also wrote a little "Thank You" note to go along with it ...

It reads:
"Thank you Aunt Kim 4 watching the cat" and on the back, she wrote, "Love, Kylie" with a little smily face.  I think I will frame this one!! :D

Kylie giving Haley a little lovin'

Blessings all!!!


  1. precious! She is very creative and talented! I love the little note ;o) I agree, frame it! Hugs ;o)

  2. A thank you from a child is very sweet. She obviously has a good mommy too, who encourages her! Now you have a nice keepsake of Niecy's visit and your friend and her daughter!

  3. Kim, You have just received to of the sweetest anf most beautiful gifts that a child can give. Frame them both and enjoy them over and over again. A child's gift is always made with love~~~

