Sunday, May 13, 2012

Breast Cancer Benefit & Happy Mother's Day!

Last night was a great success! My friend Jerry raised over $2,000 for Laurie's unpaid medical expenses. One-hundred of our friends showed up in support and my friend Judy-B and I had gotten to see so many of our old friends whom we have not seen in ages! GREAT JOB, Jerry! We are all so very proud of you!

 There was a buffet of hot and cold food, live music with two awesome bands, and free fun for all. Here are some pics from last night ...

"The Gang" ~Judy-B, me & Laurie
Judy 'n' our friend Jerry

with Kiki-girl
Friends Judy-B, Chris, and Ed

Hubby won a prize gift certificate for a free large pizza at Tony's Pizza

The AWESOME band "HY-Jynx"!!!

Also, I would like to say "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" to all the mommies out there, whether they be "mommy" mommies or "furr baby" mommies!!!! LOL!


  1. Way to go Jerry!!! I am proud of you too!!

    1. Willow ~ Agreed!!! I spoke to his mom who was also there and she touched her heart and said to me, "I am so proud of him!" and smiled! :)

  2. Great fundraiser for your friend. I am glad you were able to reconnect with old friends. Love your new header, beautiful photo!

    1. Thanks Robin! The header photo is a pic that Brett took last year when he went on a hot air ballon ride! The scenary seemed fitting!

  3. Wonderful job, Jerry!!! My sister had a benefit also where many friend, family and people we didn't even know came with encouragement and money to help my sister with her expenses.

    Love your new header, Kim!

    Big Hugs,

    1. Jan ~ Thank you, my friend! Isn't it so great and touching when people decide to come together for such a good cause helping the ones who are desperately in need of it?

      Brighest Blessings and hope you are doing well ~


  4. Such great friends !!!
    What a great way to help a friend and having major fun too !!!

    1. Monique ~ Thanks!! It was sooo well worth it!!!



  5. Kim!! Great stuff!!! Over $2000.00, excellent! Way to go everyone! Looks like everyone had a lot of fun too! Really enjoyed the pictures! Kim, you have beautiful eyes! I am sure you have been told that before, but I had to say it ;o) Your hubby is adorable ;o) Yummy pizza ;o) Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day ;o) Big Hugs xoxoxo

    1. Stacy ~ Awww, thanks! The final count was actually more like $2,900.00!!! I am so happy about that!

      Yes, thank you for your comment about my eyes, I am told I have "Pisces" eyes! LOL! A couple of years ago, some man came up to me and asked me if I wear contacts or "are they real?" LOL!!!!! Too funny.

      Big hugs,


  6. $2900.00, fantastic! I think that man was flirting with you ;o)
