Saturday, May 05, 2012

Friends with Benefits ...

The other day, my long-time, dearest friend Judy-B contacted me on Facebook about a good friend of ours named Laurie whom we have both known for many years now. She told me about an up-coming benefit that one our friends, Jerry, will be having for Laurie. Laurie was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Since her insurance does not cover all of her medical expenses, Jerry decided to host a "Poker Run & Benefit Party" next Saturday for her.

Count us in!!! My mother battled breast cancer a few years back and, fortunately, her doctor caught it early enough that she only lost a portion of her breast and gained (thank the Devine Goddess) many more years of her life so far.

One of my favorite pics of Judy-B, my sister and twin soul Judy (Rhiannon), and me circa 2002 

It's been quite a few years since Judy-B and I have seen Laurie and I am only too happy to be able to be there for her in one way or another. We are currently trying to round up all of our friends and family to join us as well.


  1. I know that seeing you all again will by just what the doctor ordered for Laurie!

    1. Thanks, Robin! We all do what we can for the people we care about. We are all praying for her! ;)

  2. Your friend will be in my prayers! If I lived closer, I would go to the benefit too! Big Hugs and many blessings Kim ;o)

    1. Thank so much, Stacy! You are such a lovely person and a dear friend.

      Big hugs,


  3. My sister is still fighting this horrible disease so I know also what you are talking about, Kim and send your friend healing thoughts. Wishing her the best.


    1. My thoughts are with both you and your sister Georgie! Sending positive reiki energy her way and Laurie's!!!

      Thank you so much, my dear friend ~

      Love, Kim
