Friday, June 15, 2012

Odds and ends

Happy Friday all! Today, I celebrated my sister Robin's birthday with her by treating her to a surprise lunch at Applebees. It was actually more like a "belated" birthday get-together as her birthday was on Tuesday, but today was the only day we could get our schedules in-synch. For her birthday, I also gave her a Gemini T-shirt (her Sun sign) which I bought for her while in Canada and a blue & white-colored, tri-scented candle called Ocean Breeze. And, since my mother-in-laws' birthday was yesterday (Flag Day), we will be celebrating hers with her this weekend.

Happy Birthday, Robin!

Now that we are home from vacation, I have a whole slue of things which I would like to accomplish. One, of course, is getting ready for my Solitary Midsummer sabbat celebration with my furr babies, and another being a project which I have been meaning to get to for some time now. I am planning to fix up our downstairs for my hubby so that he can have what he calls a "Game Room" ~ a place where he and his buddies can get together, hangout and play their card games and such. 

Since our cellar is very spacious, we will have more than enough room for one. I already have my Altar Room and Reiki Room set up down there, so I thought that it would be really nice if hubby had a personal space of his own as well. Besides, this may also allow me a bit more time to myself for blogging! LOL!

I would also like to wish a very Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful, loving and  well-deserving dad's out there in Blogland! As usual, we will be spending Father's Day Sunday at both my parents and hubby's folks to celebrate their special day with them.

Have a very blessed weekend everyone!


  1. Happy birthday to Robin, and please give birthday greetings to your darling mother-in-law! And hugs all around for father's day. A game room sounds fab!!You must take before and after shots, and then you know, do the Reveal! Your hubby is one lucky guy to have you fix him up a room of his own. And can send him to his room!!! LOL! btw, I wish we lived closer!! truly.

    1. Will do Robin, thank you!!! Most definately will take before and after pics. LOL! I love the idea of "sending him to his room!" I think he'd enjoy that!

      I, too, wish we lived a bit closer. Perhaps sometime we could get together again for a sabbat celebration or something. I think that would be so cool!

      Big hugs,


  2. Hi Kim ;o)
    I agree with Robin, please take before and after pictures! You two are so cute, send your hubby to his room! LOL!
    Happy Birthday to Robin! Great picture of the two of you! And, Happy Birthday to your mom-in-law too ;o)
    Big Hugs ;o)
